Pet Boarding & Daycare

3 Simple Ways to Get More Leads

3 Simple Ways to Get More Leads

Think Tank

By Fernando Camacho

Okay, here are some stupid questions for you… 
Do you want to get more leads coming in to your business?
Do you want to continue to get leads coming in over time?
Do you want to do it without paid advertising?
I’m guessing you gave me a big “yes, yes, yes!” to all of those. 

Well, not only am I going to share with you how you can get more leads to continually come in without any paid advertising, I’m also going to tell you how you can get them without doing much of anything at all. 

Sound good? Let’s get to it!

1. Enable the “Google My Business” messaging feature.

Google My Business (GMB) is a powerful tool for reaching customers. It can be integrated with your system to increase your ability to conveniently communicate with your leads or customers. When someone Googles a category of business, most businesses that pop up have the buttons to call, save, get directions or access the website. You can make your business stand out even more, and reach additional leads, by adding the chat/message option. 

Most people on mobile prefer to chat over calling or emailing, and this simple feature makes it easy for them to reach out to you with a quick message. 

To set it up, just follow these simple steps:

2. Put a chat feature on your website.

You would be surprised at how many people view your website and have questions but don’t want to take the time to call or email your business. Chat features on websites are now becoming standard as text messaging becomes our preferred method of communication. 

The chat widget allows people to type in a quick question which then gets sent to you so you can respond back to them. These messages, like most follow-up, are best if you get back to them as soon as possible, so make sure whatever software you use for this allows for you to get notifications on your cell phone so you can respond quickly and not lose the lead. 

3. Get more Google reviews.

Whether you like it or not, Google reviews have a BIG impact on your business. Studies show that people trust online reviews almost as much as a personal recommendation from a friend. And, many will not make a buying decision unless a company has the social proof of a lot of positive reviews. 

For reviews, Google is the king. Don’t worry about Yelp! (they are pretty much irrelevant now) or Facebook. Focus your energy on getting as many Google reviews as possible and create a process to bring them in consistently over time. As a general rule, shoot for 50+ five-star reviews and 20+ more than any of your competitors. 

In addition to the valuable social proof reviews provide, the more you have, the higher Google will rank your business in search results. 

Just doing these three things with my clients has greatly made an immediate impact on the amount of people that are reaching out, which has resulted in more clients and greater revenue. Thanks to the amazing technology available, this stuff is easy to do and easy to automate! 

Fernando Camacho (Fern) runs Overdog Digital, a digital marketing agency specializing in working with dog daycare and boarding facilities. He does private business consulting, staff training and helps pet businesses utilize modern resources to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. Fern is also the author of six books and is a speaker at national conferences and private events. To join The Dog Daycare Business Think Tank or ask a question, go to: